Envolvimento ativo
Para apoiar a nossa missão de proporcionar retornos e responsabilidade, envolvemo-nos com empresas para as ajudar a melhorar e manter as suas atividades ESG.
Criar uma mudança positiva
A propriedade ativa é uma forma poderosa de proteger o valor dos acionistas, aumentar os retornos a longo prazo e promover mudanças positivas. Fazemo-lo recorrendo ao exercício dos nossos direitos de voto formais, bem como do envolvimento proativo com as empresas e encorajando-as a melhorar os seus sistemas de gestão e desempenho ESG.

Fonte: Nordea Asset Management Responsible Investments Report 2023
Methane Engagement Case
Perigo na Água
Methane Collaborative Engagement
Methane is a greenhouse gas with a warming effect of a full 80 times that of C02. That makes bringing down emissions of methane one of the most effective short-term ways to slow the rate of climate change. In the blistering heat of Texas, Nordea Asset Management and collaborators went on a week-long field trip to Houston and the Permian Basin to engage 12 oil and gas companies on methane emissions measurement, reporting and mitigation. The objective is for target companies to achieve near-zero methane emissions backed by the Oil and Gas Methane Partnership 2.0 (OGMP 2.0) Gold Standard reporting. The team also participated as speakers at the Global Methane Mitigation Summit, and arranged targeted workshops both in Texas and later in Canada, bringing new companies together with experts from the United Nations and existing signatories to OGMP 2.0, to learn from each other.
Methane Engagement Case
Engaging with companies in the oil and gas industry on the disclosure and mitigation of their methane emissions.
- Methane is a powerful greenhouse gas, estimated to account for as much as 25%* of the global warming we’re experiencing today
- Our primary engagement ask is for investee companies with methane emissions to join the OGMP 2.0 framework
- At the end of 2023, engaged with 63 companies on the topic. As a result, nine companies in the engagement joined the OGMP 2.0
- Our Methane Campaign extends to industry best practice initiatives: we participated to the Canada Methane Mitigation summit in September 2023
- Learn more about “Pollution reduction initiative of the year” from Sustainable Company Awards 2023
*Source: International Energy Agency
2024 PRI Award Winner
Methane Engagement Campaign
In October 2024, NAM won the “Recognition for Action – Climate” award at the Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) Awards ceremony in Toronto, Canada.
NAM has been recognized for its leadership in spearheading a collaborative engagement of approximately 20 investors focused on enhancing disclosures and reducing company methane emissions to near zero within the energy, utilities and waste management sectors.

Perigo na Água
Envolvimento com as empresas farmacêuticas para abordar o papel que desempenham na crise da poluição da água na Índia
- Estima-se que o número de mortes relacionadas com a resistência antimicrobiana (RAM) atinja 10 milhões de pessoas anualmente até ao ano de 2050*
- A poluição farmacêutica na Índia foi identificada como um dos principais causadores do problema
- A NAM iniciou um envolvimento a longo prazo com empresas farmacêuticas sediadas na Índia em que investimos
- Emitimos dois relatórios que expõem a extensão da poluição farmacêutica na Índia
- Como resultado do nosso envolvimento, o PSCI desenvolveu um plano de ação para abordar o problema
*Fonte: UN Environment Programme